Women's Walking Football - Summer Evening Session

Date and time

Thursday 25 July 2024 to 29 Aug

18:00 - 19:00

Admission details

£6 per session, pay and play. Discounted rate of £4 for anyone who is a carer who wants a bit of fresh air for an hour.

Over 40s

Venue details

Grovehill Adventure Playground
Redbourn Road Hemel Hempstead Herts HP2 7BA

Parking available, disabled access available

Sample event image Inclusive United's walking football sessions are for women aged 35 and over of all abilities.

Our sessions are a great way to exercise and socialise in a fun, supportive and friendly environment.

Come along and find out why walking football is the UK's fastest growing sport.

Sessions are run by our FA-qualified female coaches and training and match play focusses on minimal contact.

Our sessions run for an hour on the astro pitch at Grovehill Adventure Playground in Hemel Hempstead. If you are also a carer then we offer discounted rates.

On the day please:

- come dressed in clothes suitable for exercise outdoors*
- wear astro trainers or moulded football boots if you have them (no metal studs please) or trainers is fine to begin with
- bring water to drink
- bring medication such as inhalers if you use them.

We will always let you know if a session will be cancelled due to the weather.

Please contact us with any questions at contact@inclusiveunited.co.uk