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Oct 2, 2012 ... Dacorum Borough Council. E J Hillier Will Trust (Jo Unsworth). Emery Planning Partnership (Stephen Harris).

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Agenda frontsheet PDF 164 KB · Agenda reports pack · PSPO Annual Review PDF 1002 KB · Printed minutes PDF 278 KB. Venue: Conference Room 1 - The Forum. View ...

http://dbcsp/sites/Intranet/Docs/Documents/Part%202 ...

Report on evaluation of the consultants submission. http://dbcsp/sites/Intranet/Docs/Documents/Part%202%20Documents/2013/Agendas/Hou · sing%20%20Community ...

Committee details - Dacorum Community Safety Partnership

Browse meetings and agendas for this committee · View contact details for the members of this committee · View attendance statistics · View declarations of ...

SW Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan Strategic Planning Members ...

Dec 17, 2019 ... Wainwright (Agenda Item 3). Dacorum BC: Cllr Sutton, James Doe. Hertsmere BC: Cllr Cohen, Laura Wood. Three Rivers DC: Cllr Bedford, Claire May.

Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 10th December, 2024, 7.30 pm

The agenda will be displayed in the week before the meeting. Proposed venue: Conference Room 2 - The Forum. View directions.

Agenda item - Statement of Accounts and Letter of Representation ...

Sep 15, 2022 ... The letter is a statement from the Council to our external auditors which sets out the basis upon which we've prepared the accounts and it's a ...

Agenda for Council on Wednesday, 27th September, 2023, 7.30 pm

Council - Wednesday, 27th September, 2023 7.30 pm · Attendance details · Agenda frontsheet PDF 153 KB · Agenda reports pack PDF 4 MB · Printed draft minutes PDF ...

Agenda Template

Sep 7, 2015 ... ... agenda items. 7. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS. Meeting Date – start time 6.30 pm. Date agenda to be circulated. Monday 7 December 2015. Monday 16 ...

Agenda for Standards on Thursday, 22nd September, 2016, 7.30 pm

Sep 22, 2016 ... ... Agendas in good time. Social Media. This will be added as a specific agenda item for December's meeting when John Worts, DBC's officer for ...