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Page 1 of results for query 'Contaminated land'

Contaminated land

Apr 8, 2024 ... How to make a request. You will need to provide the: ... To request and pay, please call our Environment and Community Protection team on 01442 ...

Development on potentially contaminated land and/or for sensitive ...

Land contamination is principally a legacy of historical industrial activities and past waste disposal practices. Examples of such industries include gas works, ...

CONTAMINATED LAND STRATEGY as required under the ...

If either of these is confirmed then the land becomes contaminated land by definition and the pollutant linkage becomes 'significant'. This, for the ...

Land Contamination Self-Assessment Questionnaire

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that land contamination is a material planning consideration when making decisions on planning ...

5d 4/00670/19/FUL Construction of stables. Refurbishment of ...

Jan 30, 2020 ... 2.3 The contaminated land issues have been assessed by the preparation of a Contaminated. Land Assessment report and the Contaminated Land ...

Guidance for Developers and Consultants on the Verification of ...

of Cover Systems on Sites Affected by Contamination. This guidance is intended for contaminated land sites which are regulated through the planning regime ...

Environmental Health

Apr 11, 2024 ... Infectious waste collections · Air quality · Water quality · Contaminated land · Pollution · High hedges · Vehicle seizure notices · Damp, ...

Geo-Environmental Desk Top Study Report

contaminated land based on the risk of significant harm to human health and the ... school ground provides a pathway for any potential subsurface ground ...

Agenda item - 19/03272/FUL - Construction of new chalet bungalow ...

May 21, 2020 ... Contaminated Land Condition 2: Any contamination, other than that reported by virtue of Condition 1 encountered during the development of ...

Agenda item - 4/03282/16/FUL - FOUR TWO-BED DWELLINGS ...

Feb 2, 2017 ... Members queried the contaminated land and officers said that a community engagement plan could be conditioned. It was proposed by Councillor ...