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Page 1 of results for query 'Controlled parking zones'

Controlled Parking Zone information sheet

The borough of Dacorum currently has twelve Controlled Parking Zones. If you live inside a zone you can apply for a residents parking permit. Within each zone, ...

Resident parking permits

Mar 22, 2024 ... Controlled Parking Zones and hours of operation ; Orchard, Hemel Hempstead, "O" zone, Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to ...

Business parking permits

Aug 17, 2023 ... We have nine controlled parking zones in Dacorum. To park in these areas you must display a valid business parking permit or visitor ...

Visitor parking

Mar 1, 2024 ... If you live in a controlled parking zone and your address qualifies, you can buy visitor vouchers.

Decision - Dacorum Borough Council

Aug 17, 2023 ... PH-015-23-Consultation on the proposal to introduce the 'J' Controlled Parking Zone in Brook Street, Brookfield Close, Shugars Green, Mill ...

Ebberns Road Statement of Reasons for Controlled Parking Zone

THE BOROUGH OF DACORUM (CONTROLLED PARKING ZONES). ORDER 2021. Dacorums Borough Council wishes to deter all day commuter and non-resident parking in Ebberns.

Decision - Consultation on the proposal to introduce the F-zone ...

Aug 4, 2022 ... ... residents only Controlled Parking Zones with similar restricted times. 3. The introduction of the restrictions is proposed to regularise the ...

Borough of Dacorum (Controlled Parking Zones) Order 2013

Feb 3, 2014 ... PART II – RESTRICTIONS AND PARKING PLACES. Section 1 – Provision of the Order. 3. Restricted waiting areas within the Controlled Parking Zones ( ...

Decisions 2019

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Williams Date published: 17 January 2020. PH-040-19 - Consultation on the proposal to introduce the E-Controlled Parking Zone ...

Doctor/health visitor parking permits

Jun 5, 2020 ... We issue a limited number of permits for use by medical personnel when making visits in a Controlled Parking Zone. Find out more information ...