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Page 1 of results for query 'Core Strategy'

Core Strategy

The Core Strategy for Dacorum Borough was formally adopted by the Council on 25 September 2013. It forms part of the development plan for the borough and will ...

Adopted Core Strategy 25 September 2013

Sep 25, 2013 ... Figure 1 Structure of the Local Planning Framework. 11. Figure 2 Stages in the Preparation of the Core Strategy.

Core Strategy by chapter

Feb 22, 2017 ... Adopted Core Strategy 2013 · The Sustainable Development Strategy. Chapter 8: Promoting sustainable development (PDF 458KB) · Strengthening ...

Draft Core Strategy 2010

Draf Core Strategy consultation Nov-Dec 2010. ... Draft Core Strategy Nov-Dec 2010. Draft Core Strategy (November 2010). Consultation documents: 3 November ...

Emerging Core Strategy 2009

Jun 21, 2018 ... Documents for the Emerging Core Strategy 2009 · Part One: The Introduction, Borough Vision and Borough Themes · Part Two: The Place Strategies.

Draft Pre-Submission Core Strategy 2011

Jul 17, 2017 ... Pre-submission Core Strategy Documents - Sept 2011 · Sustainability Appraisal · Habitats Regulation Assessment · Consultation Report (Volume 6) on ...

Pre-Submission Core Strategy 2011

Sep 19, 2016 ... Supporting Documents · Hicks Road and Land at Durrants Lane Masterplan - updated documents - 2012 · Hicks Road and Land at Durrants Lane ...

Core Strategy Evidence Base Documents

Sep 21, 2016 ... In preparing the Core Strategy, we both refer to and were informed by a number of documents that together form the 'Evidence Base' for the ...

Core Strategy Modifications 2013

Consultation on the Core Strategy Modifications document ran from 23 January to 6 March 2013. The modifications to the Pre-Submission Core Strategy document ...

Core Strategy Omissions 2012

Apr 6, 2017 ... We previously published our Pre-Submission Core Strategy on 26 October 2011 for consultation. This included the main written document and ...