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Page 1 of results for query 'Data'

Personal information/GDPR

Mar 9, 2023 ... to administer council tax / housing benefits; to administer complaints. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR gives you certain rights ...

Transparency and open data

Jul 15, 2024 ... As an organisation we understand the importance of being open and transparent about the decisions we take and how and where money is spent.

Common freedom of information requests

The data below shows details of the properties sold under the Right to Buy scheme since 1980, including the type of property, year of build, square footage, ...

Privacy policies

Aug 22, 2024 ... Data Protection Impact Assessment - Dacorum Borough Council, DWP and HMRC Digital Economy Act Data Sharing Pilot (PDF 885KB). Strategic ...

Where we spend money

Feb 19, 2024 ... Data on all council spend over £500. View and filter the data or download it.

Complaints data

Sep 5, 2024 ... Complaints data · Local Government Ombudsman statistics · Self Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code · Annual Housing ...

Privacy Statement

This privacy notice explains how Dacorum Borough Council (the Data Controller) will use any personal information we collect about you when you use our services.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / Data Protection Act ...

May 18, 2018 ... body which processed Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller. ... membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for ...

Records of Processing Note on sharing of Occupational Health Data ...

... data or physical or mental health medical data (also known as Special Category Data under GDPR) of an employee in their team, group or directorate. I will ...

Freedom of information

If you want to see information about yourself, you have the right to access it under the Data Protection Act. To learn more about the data we collect, and ...