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Page 1 of results for query 'Data'

Personal information/GDPR

Mar 9, 2023 ... to administer council tax / housing benefits; to administer complaints. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR gives you certain rights ...

Transparency and open data

Information about freedom of information, data protection, council spending over £500, procurement card transactions, contracts and senior officer pay.

Common freedom of information requests

For our social housing stock, we reviewed our data/files to ascertain property build type to identify possible RAAC. On-site visual inspections were then ...

Where we spend money

Feb 19, 2024 ... Data on all council spend over £500. View and filter the data or download it.

Officer Decision Record Sheet - Energy Saving Trust - Data and ...

Oct 14, 2020 ... To procure housing data and reports from the Energy Savings Trust (EST) that will support an energy efficiency retrofit scheme as part of ...

Privacy policies

Apr 8, 2024 ... Data Protection Impact Assessment - Dacorum Borough Council, DWP and HMRC Digital Economy Act Data Sharing Pilot (PDF 885KB). Strategic ...

GDPR Policy

May 18, 2018 ... This is a statement of UK GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018 policy adopted by. Dacorum Borough Council. Dacorum Borough Council needs to collect ...

Final Report - Data Quality FINAL

Data Quality sheets ask all Data Quality owners to specify data sources. These will be checked annually by the Performance Team to ensure compliance. All ...

National Fraud Initiative

Mar 9, 2023 ... Computerised data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims and payments to be identified. Where a match is found it indicates that there is ...

Privacy Statement

This privacy notice explains how Dacorum Borough Council (the Data Controller) will use any personal information we collect about you when you use our ...