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Page 1 of results for query 'Hearing impairment'

Lifeline and Telecare Referral Form | Dacorum Borough Council

KW1 - Sensory Impairments: Hearing Impaired ☐ Deaf. ☐. Sight Impaired. ☐ Blind. ☐. Speech Impaired. ☐ No Verbal ☐. Communication. KW2 – Mental Health ...


We will repair specially adapted doorbells for people with hearing loss or visual impairment. 3. Subject to permission given on installation. 4. Our leaflet ...


Jun 11, 2020 ... • deafness or impaired hearing. At least 1 in 5 people in the UK have a long term illness, impairment or disability. Many more have a ...

Taxi and Private Hire Advice

Jun 19, 2020 ... someone who lip reads, someone who has a hearing impairment). Separate pen and paper should be available for the driver and passengers. Face ...

Dacorum Borough Council

Asthmatic / respiratory problems. 24.62. 64.82. 562. Other physical disability. 22.90. 29.07. 252. Visual / hearing impairment. 19.15. 15.92. 138. Wheelchair ...


Dec 21, 2009 ... reducing cruising range and enjoyment, cause visual impairment in areas of ... and disturbance, light pollution and loss of outlook ...

Annex 2: Analysis of On-Line Survey for Berkhamsted Conservation ...

parking problems elsewhere in Berkhamsted." "There is very little parking ... answer(s) below which best describe your disability or impairment. Hearing: 2.

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Jul 21, 2021 ... and weight loss. Family 6 Feb 2018 Husband and. Wife. Both ... Older daughter has hearing impairment and struggling at school and ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 24/04/2018 19:30

Apr 24, 2018 ... Health surveillance for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) usually means regular hearing checks (audiometric testing) to measure the ...

1 Part I Item Page

Oct 31, 2012 ... impairment or hearing loss may create a barrier to effective communication. ... with sight impairment. Council employees are undertaking ...