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Page 1 of results for query 'Horse riding'

Supporting Information Cover ...

Horse riding/pony trekking. Canopy walks. Rope bridges/Zip slides/Tarzan swings. Paint balling. Fishing. Outdoor swimming. Cruises. Sailing dinghies. Motor ...

These Model Byelaws should be read in conjunction with the ...

Horses - Horse riding prohibited (subject to any bridleway, etc). 17. Horses - Horse riding prohibited except on designated route (subject to bridleway,.

Animal Activity Licences Register

Hiring horses for ... Hiring out horses in the course of a business for either or both of the following purposes—. (a) riding;. (b) instruction in riding.

Dacorum Borough Council Riding Establishments Acts 1964 & 1970.

Appropriate provisions must be made for the protection and extrication of horses in case of fire. The name and address of the licenceholder or.

Chipperfield Common SANG Management Plan

Visitors enjoy walking, horse riding, cycling, taking the dog for a walk or simply spending time in a natural environment with friends and family ...

Sex Establishment Licensing Policy

c) Hiring out horses for riding or riding tuition; d) Breeding dogs; e ... For activities involving horse riding and tuition, the inspecting officer.

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Jul 31, 2018 ... Riding establishment licences (premises which keep horses ... grant and renewal of horse riding establishments they must be accompanied by a.

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

R Cassidy said these byelaws in the parks would help prevent metal detecting, unauthorised boot camps, horse-riding, fires, camping which are becoming issues.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Strategic Planning ...

Oct 11, 2016 ... HORSES, CYCLES AND VEHICLES. 15. Interpretation of Part [3]. 16. Horses - Horse riding prohibited (subject to any bridleway, etc). 17. Horses ...

Agenda item - Park Bye-Laws

R Cassidy said these byelaws in the parks would help prevent metal detecting, unauthorised boot camps, horse-riding, fires, camping which are becoming issues.