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This. Housing Allocations Policy sets out how we prioritise applications for council and housing association homes based on a person's circumstances and level.

Agenda item - Approval of 1 for 1 grant allocation for Affordable ...

Jan 30, 2018 ... That Cabinet approve the following grant funding payments for affordable housing developments in the Borough: 1. £3,270,169 to Hightown Housing ...

Decision - Approval of land purchase & 'one for one' grant allocation ...

Sep 22, 2017 ... That the following grant funding payments for affordable housing developments in the Borough be approved: 1. £812,233 to Watford Community ...

[MazPSIA 010214] - Draft IA Portrait Report - [Area] - [Month Year]

Distribution List: Laura Brennan – Housing Advice and Allocations Lead. Officer. Natasha Brathwaite – Group Manager (Strategic Housing).

Strategies and policies

Jun 14, 2024 ... We reviewed the Housing Allocations Policy in 2022 and made some changes to the way we allocate council housing. The new policy was adopted and ...

Templates - Portfolio Holder decision

Housing. Date of Portfolio Holder decision: 30/09/20. Title of decision: Help to Move Policy and Housing Allocation Policy Amendments. Part II:.

Agenda item - Approval of land purchase & 'one for one' grant ...

Sep 19, 2017 ... Approval of land purchase & 'one for one' grant allocation for affordable housing · 1. £812,233 to Watford Community Housing Trustfor a ...

Local Allocations

Mar 9, 2023 ... Six 'Local Allocations' (Green Belt sites identified for housing ... We have prepared a master plan for each Local Allocation, in partnership with ...

Housing Allocations Policy

The Council has a housing allocation scheme for determining priorities and for defining the procedures to be followed in allocating housing accommodation.

Housing Allocations Policy

“We are delighted to welcome this Affordable Housing SPD, which will ensure the delivery of quality affordable homes for the residents of Dacorum.” Councillor ...