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Page 1 of results for query 'Sports'

Sports venues

Apr 11, 2024 ... Sports venues · Berkhamsted Leisure Centre · Jarman Park Athletics Track · Gadebridge Park · Hemel Hempstead Leisure Centre · Little Hay Golf ...

Chapter 8: Sports Facilities

The report considered sports halls, swimming pools, health and fitness stations and synthetic turf pitches. These are the types of facilities for which the ...

Sports pitches

Apr 2, 2024 ... Sports pitches. We provide sports pitches at locations in Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted and Tring. These include rugby, football and cricket ...

Dacorum Borough Council Sports Policy Statement

For the purpose of this statement, the definition of Sport will be as set out by Sport ... Maintain a relationship with Dacorum Sports Trust who deliver major ...

Active Dacorum

Apr 2, 2024 ... An overview of sports clubs, venues and events in Hemel Hempstead and the wider Dacorum area.

Cabinet - 12-04-24 - Sports Policy Statement - Report

Apr 24, 2012 ... Risk Implications. Commitment to sport and sports facilities across the Borough ... Rebecca Dukes, Sportspace- Dacorum Sports Trust, Sports.

Decision - Sports Pitches Project

Jul 26, 2024 ... ... Sports. RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND. 2. Recommends to Council to agree an increase to the current proposed budget of £530k to £673k - an increase ...

Decision - Berkhamsted Sports Centre

Jan 17, 2020 ... (a) the governance structure for the project at paragraph 3. (b) the consultation strategy for stakeholder and public consultation and the ...

Indoor Facilities Strategy and Action Plan | Dacorum Borough Council

Sport England is the national agency driving sports development. Its stated future role is to be the strategic lead for sport in England. The East Regional.

Agenda item - Sports Strategy Update - Physical Activity & Sport ...

Oct 10, 2018 ... Cllr Harden handed over to officers to present. L Roberts introduced herself as Assistant DirectorPeople, Performance and Innovation, having ...