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Temporary event notices

May 11, 2022 ... Temporary event notices. Temporary event notices (or TENs) allow you to provide licensable activities at premises within Dacorum on a one-off or ...

Licensing Act 2003 - Register of Temporary Event Notices

8 days ago ... Register of Temporary Event Notices. This document is Dacorum Borough Council's register of the Temporary Event Notices (TENs) given to the ...

Temporary Event Notice application form

Temporary Event Notice. 10 notices (i.e. 50 temporary event notices per year for personal licence holders and 5 temporary event notices for non-personal ...

Temporary event notice register

Oct 16, 2023 ... Register of Temporary Event Notices. This document is Dacorum Borough Council's register of the Temporary Event Notices (TENs) given to the ...

Agenda item - Consideration of objections to temporary event ...

Consideration of objections to temporary event notices under the Licensing Act 2003 ... The Chairman introduced herself, the members on the sub-committee and the ...

Agenda item - Consideration of objections to 14 temporary event ...

The Sub-Committee were required to consider an application for 14 individual events, for which Temporary Event Notices (TENS) have been submitted for the ...

Application forms

Mar 10, 2023 ... Temporary Event Notices (TENs) · Personal licences · Premises licences · Club premises certificates · Miscellaneous forms · Contact us · In this ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

May 23, 2016 ... A temporary event notice was given to the licensing authority on 9 May 2016, by. Julius ROST, in respect of premises known as Norcott Court, ...

Alcohol and entertainment licensing

Feb 19, 2024 ... Find out more using the inks below: Premises licences · Personal licences · Club premises certificates · Temporary event notices · Application ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Jun 15, 2019 ... Having considered the temporary event notices, the objection notices received from responsible authorities and any further representations ...