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Page 1 of results for query 'Zoos'

Zoo licences

Oct 3, 2016 ... Zoo licences. Under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981, all zoos must be licensed by the relevant local authority, if they open to the public on seven ...

Dangerous wild animals

Nov 22, 2016 ... You must hold a licence from us if you wish to keep a dangerous wild animal (other than at a licensed zoo or specialist pet shop, a circus ...

Health and safety at work

tyre and exhaust fitting establishments; office activities; animal accommodation including kennels, catteries, stables and zoos; health clubs and leisure ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Oct 27, 2015 ... Revised application forms are attached at Annexes A-E. 2.3. As there are currently no zoos within Dacorum and no suggestion that one will be ...

Agenda for Licensing and Health and Safety Enforcement ...

... Zoo licensing. We only deal with a very small number of both of these types, in fact no zoos have been, or are currently licensed by Dacorum. We are now ...

Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III

May 12, 2023 ... ... zoo. Our interactive entertainers, including a stilt walker and balloon modeller, also helped keep everyone's spirits up. On Sunday, the sun ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Apr 29, 2014 ... To appoint inspectors for periodic inspections of zoos q. To carry out special inspections of zoos, including closed zoos, and authorise.

Sex Establishment Licensing Policy

welfare-licences/zoo-licences. Inspections. 2.3.4. Inspections of zoos must be carried out by an inspector nominated by the Secretary of State, and the.

Minutes Template

Sep 10, 2019 ... regulate, which are Dangerous Wild Animals Licensing and Zoo licensing. ... zoos have been, or are currently licensed by Dacorum. We are now ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Jan 26, 2016 ... Zoo licences (for zoos, aquariums and animal parks, which exhibit wild animals to the public). 1.2. The number of licences issued by Dacorum ...