The Giant Killers

Date and time

Friday 21 June 2024

20:00 - 21:30

Admission details

£16, £12 under 18s and Dacorum Card


Venue details

The Old Town Hall
High Street Hemel Hempstead HP1 3AE

Parking available, disabled access available

Sample event image Taking place in Lancashire in the 1870s, amidst the poverty and social unrest in the North resulting from the recent cotton famine, Darwen FC rose up against the prevailing social prejudice: a shining beacon of hope for the millions of people left feeling utterly disenfranchised in a society with a chasm of social divides.

Set in the early years of Association Football, The Giant Killers follows a ragtag bunch of Lancashire mill workers who defied all odds to become the first working-class team in the country to play in the FA Cup. They take on “the poshest team of all” - the Old Etonians, and with this unexpected pivotal match, they earned their place in history as the first real ‘giant-killers’ in English football.

Whilst the true story took place 150 years ago, the social and political issues of that time resonate as strongly as ever in the current climate - and speak to people far beyond football enthusiasts.

Scoring a moral victory in a classist game, the battlefield is on the pitch in a rip-roaring show full of sprit and passion that uplifts, enheartens, and will ignite a fire in everyone - whether you know the offside rule or not.