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Page 1 of results for query 'Biodiversity'

Biodiversity and conservation

They can contain up to 40 different species per square metre, making them a precious resource for enhancing biodiversity and preserving native UK species. They ...

Looking after the environment

Jul 17, 2017 ... The Hertfordshire Biodiversity Action Plan supports much of the background technical work for the Urban Nature Conservation Study (March 2006).

Agenda item - Biodiversity Net Gain SPD

ARobinson explained that when the biodiversity net gain becomes mandatory, all development will have to deliver 10% net gain above the existing base. An ...


In 1998, as Hertfordshire's response to the national biodiversity planning process, a 50-year vision for the wildlife and natural habitats of Hertfordshire ...

Map 5 Biodiversity

Page 1. 38. Map 5. Biodiversity.

3 Habitat and species review and evaluation

A total of 37 Broad Habitat Types have been identified in Biodiversity: The UK Steering Group Report. The following are found in Hertfordshire: Broadleaved ...

East of England Biodiversity Map Map 1

Page 1. 34. East of England Biodiversity Map. Map 1.

Map 6 Key Biodiversity Areas

Page 1. 39. Map 6. Key Biodiversity Areas.

30 Glossary, abbreviations and acronyms

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). A framework for achieving the conservation of biodiversity based on the targeting of resources.

1 Introduction

and sea shore' (Biodiversity: The UK Steering Group. Report, 1995). Biological diversity (biodiversity) is the variety of life. Not only is it the whole ...