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Page 1 of results for query 'Fire'

Fire safety

Find out how to report a fire or structural safety concern and get more information about fire safety in high-rise flats.

Report a fire or structural safety concern

Use this online form to report a fire or structural safety concern in a rented residential property.

Fire Safety

Smoke alarms save lives by giving you vital extra seconds to escape a fire. All of our properties should be fitted with smoke detectors, one on each level.

Fire safety for leaseholders

As Dacorum Borough Council blocks of flats operate a “stay put” fire policy, it is especially important that all flat entrance doors are able to prevent a fire ...

Fire Safety Policy - Lifts

Our blocks of flats have built in fire safety features to help keep you safe. To limit the spread of fire walls and doors are designed to hold back fire and ...

Fire Safety Policy - Supported Housing

To limit the spread of fire walls and doors are designed to hold back fire and smoke should you need to evacuate the building. Advice on what to do in the case ...

Fire safety in high-rise flats

Oct 31, 2023 ... You must ask for our permission before undertaking alterations. Depending on the works you have carried out, the alterations could affect the ...

Fire Assessment Guide

This guide has been produced to help you carry out a Fire Risk Assessment and record the main findings. This is a suggested method for use in HMO's that are ...

Fire Safety Policy

Leave the building by the nearest fire exit. · Call 999 from a place of safety and give the address below. · Go to the assembly point. Do ...

What can I recycle? A-Z | Hertfordshire County Council

Please don't put it in your bin at home. Armchairs. Reuse it: if it's in good condition and has a 'fire retardant' ...