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Page 1 of results for query 'Planning and development'

Planning and development

Apr 11, 2024 ... Planning and development. Our planning department is split into two elements. The first is Strategic Planning (planning policies), who prepare ...

New Dacorum Local Plan (to 2040)

Jan 9, 2024 ... Once adopted, the new Dacorum Local Plan will replace the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (2016), Core Strategy (2013) and 'saved ...

Search planning applications

Apr 11, 2024 ... Find planning applications made to Dacorum Borough Council ... Planning and development · Planning applications; Search planning ...

Local Development Scheme

Oct 30, 2023 ... The Local Development Scheme (LDS) confirms our timetable for preparing the new Local Plan and other documents which are, or will form part ...

Sustainable development

Dec 9, 2019 ... BREEAM standards of 'Good' and 'Excellent' will still be sought for non-residential development. We no longer use C-Plan. This means that ...

Planning policies

Apr 11, 2024 ... We prepare, monitor and review planning policies for the Borough of Dacorum. The Strategic Planning team aim to regulate the development and ...

Additional Planning Guidance Documents

Employment and Skills - Draft SPD. This document is a new tool that will enable us to ring-fence opportunities arising from development to benefit Dacorum's ...

Core Strategy

It forms part of the development plan for the borough and will be used to assess any planning applications that are submitted to us. Core Strategy documents.

Committee details - Development Management

) Town and country planning and development control (except matters relating to the review, alteration or approval of the Development Plan). (ii) The ...

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan

... Plan for Bovingdon Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area? ... development plan to us. A consultation on the draft Bovingdon ...