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Page 10 of results for query 'Abandoned vehicles'

Yearly Performance Report 2013

the collection of abandoned vehicles was inadequately recorded. As a result additional steps were put in place. As a result quarters 3&4 are much improved ...

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Jan 13, 2021 ...Abandoned vehicles, 106 in December, 2 vehicles have been removed and destroyed. Can I remind Members and Residents abandoned vehicles can be.

Berkhamsted Residents' Action Group Statements to the ...

Sep 18, 2012 ... Not surprisingly, delivery vehicles create hold ups and emergency vehicles can find it ... Cars Abandoned. Along Lo ndon. Road. (D ecem b er 2009).

Appendix Ciii, Diii, Eiii.xlsx

Abandoned Vehicle FPN (Early Repayment). 120.00. 132.00. 10.0%. Removal of ... Nuisance Vehicles / Vehicle Trading (street) (Early Repayment). 81.00. 90.00.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 24/02/2021 18:30

Feb 24, 2021 ...Abandoned vehicles, 106 in December, 2 vehicles have been removed and destroyed. Can I remind Members and Residents abandoned vehicles can be.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Strategic Planning ...

Sep 24, 2019 ... Tipping, Abandoned Vehicles, Graffiti). 2. Environmental and Community Protection – Q1 Performance Indicators. 2.1 In Q1 the KPI has been ...

Appendix E3 - Strategic Planning Environment Committee Proposed ...

Abandoned Vehicle Reclaimed Fees - Cars. Daily. 20.00. 20.00. 0.0%. Abandoned ... Nuisance Vehicles / Vehicle Trading (street) (early repayment). 75.00. 75.00.

Cabinet Quarterly Performance Report - Unfiltered

REG01 - Percentage of abandoned vehicles removed within 24 hours. Chris Troy. Nicholas. Egerton. 57.14%. (4/7). Target: 0. 100.00%. (7/7). Target: 85.00. 50.00%.


Jun 18, 2014 ... C Troy introduced the report and said that the slippage regarding abandoned vehicles equated to about three to four abandoned cars a month ...

Parking - Ebberns Road Consultation Report

We can also comment that the nature of the road being a cul de sac has attracted abandoned or vehicles without tax in the past and a CPZ would help mange ...