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Page 10 of results for query 'Core Strategy'

Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy Examination: October ...

CPRE Hertfordshire also notes that Dacorum Borough Council proposes a large number of amendments to the Core Strategy. These are all considered by the ...

Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy Examination in Public 2012

... strategy and level of growth as a minimum, we feel that additional land should be allocated in Tring, through the Core Strategy. Alternatively, provision in ...

Core Strategy Examination Berkhamsted Town Council responses ...

The Core Strategy proposes to combine these into a new SPD: an Urban Design Assessment. Berkhamsted Town Council is concerned that the Character Area ...

Borough Portrait documents

Jul 10, 2018 ... Population Projections and The Core Strategy: Background Information Note, September 2011, Dacorum Borough Council. BP 7, Assessment of ...

Other documents

Assesment by Dacorum Borough Council of its Pre-submission Core Strategy (NPPF Compliance Checklist) (PDF 256KB), June 2012, Dacorum Borough Council. OT 7, PAS ...

Representer: Tring Sports Forum Respondent reference: ID 489516 ...

We think it important that the Core Strategy specifically refers to the Site Allocations document as the vehicle by which the sports studies will be reviewed ...

Site Allocations documents

Sep 21, 2022 ... Core Strategy · Core Strategy Examination 2012; Site Allocations documents. Site Allocations documents. Site Allocations. Document No. Document ...

Area Action Plan documents

Sep 21, 2022 ... ... Strategic Environmental Assessment) Working Note, June 2009, Dacorum Borough Council. AA 3, Emerging Core Strategy and East Hemel Hempstead Area ...

Dacorum's Local Planning Framework

Core Strategy document and that support it. It is not an exhaustive list and will be updated during the production of the Core Strategy Development Plan ...

Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy Independent Examination ...

How does the Core Strategy address the possible need to safeguard land? The Core Strategy and policy CS5 in particular does not address the likely need to ...