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Page 10 of results for query 'Data'


Oct 6, 2020 ... The data and reports supplied by EST provide a great deal of information for every household in the borough, such as the actual and ...


Jan 3, 2024 ... Data transparency. We publish a wide range of information, including payments we makes to external providers that are for £250 or more ...

OSC Finance and Resources Quarterly Performance

and no longer includes data relating to calls handled through the automated systems. Performance during August and. September is above target. Report run: 22 ...

Audit Committee – 12th September 2018 Report in absentia (John ...

Sep 12, 2018 ... Data Protection by Design and Data Protection Impact Assessments. This in turn could result in breaches of the new Act and ensuing ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

No Data. Target: 3786. Updater. Owner. Slightly below target. WR06 - Total ... Data not available at time of report. Owner. A great deal of work needs to be ...

Dacorum Borough Council

Jan 1, 2021 ... To review compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The review will directly assess how compliant the Council is with ...

ITEM NUMBER: 5b 22/01067/ROC Variation of Conditions 6 ...

2.1 The use of the proposed building as a data centre is acceptable in accordance with the original planning permission for this site and would be ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

Mar 16, 2016 ... No Data. Info Only. Owner. Reports of ASB have increased 12.2% on the same period last year. ASB03 - Number of current flare cases open for ASB.

OSC Finance and Resources Quarterly Performance

No Data. No Target. 92.46%. (699/756). Target: 80.00. 93.76%. (841/897). Target: 80.00. Owner. ICT02 - Availability of primary systems. (office hours). Ben ...

Certification of claims and returns - annual report

Apr 1, 2012 ... ... data. 2 Where certification work identifies no issues, I complete the auditor's certificate. This confirms that a claim or return agrees ...