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Page 10 of results for query 'Energy efficiency'

Summary of policies in the Kings Langley Neighbourhood Plan

Policy KL5: Energy Efficiency and Design (Page 27). Protect and enhance the character of the area, incorporating the principles set out in the Conservation.

Agenda item - The Forum

Sep 15, 2015 ... These arise from the energy efficiency of the building, its smaller scale and economies of scale through sharing costs with partners. The ...

Dacorum Development Plan Documents Strategic Environmental ...

▫ Encourage energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, water conservation/sustainable drainage and sustainable construction. ▫ Reduce pollution. ▫ Reduce ...

East Hemel Hempstead Area Action Plan Strategic Environmental ...

Natural England broadly welcomes the conservation measures with regard to water resources and energy, but also advises that where possible light should be ...

TECHNICAL APPENDIX - 2011/12 Delivering Success

Energy Efficiency. CHP. Renewables. -. 20,000. 40,000. 60,000. 80,000. 100,000 ... 8.3 Renewable Energy CO2 Savings by Technology kg CO2 per Year. Source: 2012 ...

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

May 19, 2020 ... act quickly to retro-fit our council housing to improve energy efficiency. ... Energy Company funded energy efficiency measures with the aim of ...

Agenda item - HRA Business Plan

Mar 3, 2021 ... There is provision for energy efficiency measures and also for building safety bill as we know each of these will have financial implications.

8 Policy Testing

... energy efficiency or other renewable or low carbon energy measures. In 2013, a renewable technology must provide a 20% contribution (remaining 24% from energy.

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Mar 23, 2021 ... minimum energy efficiency standards are met. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the finances of both tenants and landlords ...

Public Document Pack - Strategic Planning & Environment Overview ...

Sep 30, 2020 ... energy efficiency/clean heat/renewable generation measures across their own estate. The Energy Hub aims to support public sector ...