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Page 10 of results for query 'Garages'


Jul 4, 2019 ... garages and construction of 10 flats with associated parking and landscaping. ... on the demolished garages is totally ludicrous. This cul de sac ...

Issue details - OD-023-2016-To sell the land plot comprising ...

Sep 12, 2016 ... The sale is not conditional on gaining planning permission. Reason: The plot has garages which are producing a nil income. There will be a ...

Vicarage Ward Policy constraints Physical constraints G / U >5ha ...

(Linden Homes), garages and warehouses. At rear of residential. Active and in good condition. 0.513. A. VIC 22. U. N. VIC 23. Brightwell Road. Garage court.

Request / apply for it

Apr 2, 2024 ... Garages. Apply to rent a garage · End a garage tenancy. Grants. Apply for a community grant · Apply to our small grants fund (up to £500)

Agenda item - Provisional Outturn Report 2018/19

Jun 5, 2019 ... ... garages was poor, there is also the garage disposals strategy, which identified blocks where low demand or high density of garages in small ...

Final Internal Audit Report - Commercial Asset Management ...

Nov 12, 2018 ... The annual income budget for garages is set based on the existing level of garages held to ensure an appropriate target is set taking into ...

Decisions for issue OD-004-2017-Sale of Garages Juno Road

Feb 27, 2017 ... In September 2014, Cabinet approved the disposal of selected DBC owned garage sites with a view to increasing the supply of housing across ...

Agenda item - 20/03908/FUL - Garage Site At Housewood End ...

Feb 18, 2021 ... 20/03908/FUL - Garage Site At Housewood End, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire ... Minutes: 5c. ... The Case Officer, Martin Stickley introduced the ...

Issue - items at meetings - Approval of land purchase & 'one for one ...

Sep 19, 2017 ... 1. £812,233 to Watford Community Housing Trustfor a development known as Goldcroft garage site, Hemel Hempstead. 2. £1,417,000 to Thrive ...

Issue details - OD-015-2018 - Sale of Garages at Yeomans Ride ...

May 22, 2018 ... In September 2014, Cabinet approved the disposal of selected DBC owned garage sites with a view to increasing the supply of housing across ...