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Page 10 of results for query 'Historic buildings'

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The single ...

on the statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest, as Grade ... historic significance of the cottage as Listed Building. The ...

Additional Burial Space to Serve the Tring Area

The national historic importance of cemeteries is reflected to some extent in the listing of some 2286 buildings and monuments in cemeteries, and the presence.

Borough Assessment final 2.qxp

historic buildings but also dependent on the treatment of roads, pavements ... Ancient monuments are located in four of the six settlements. Areas of ...

berkhamsted final report.qxp

The historic buildings and abundant open space were cited as favourite aspects of Berkhamsted. In particular, the castle mount was very popular. The ...

5 23/00922/FUL Construction of a replacement dwelling and part ...

Jul 18, 2023 ... Historic Buildings &. Places. 1ST CONSULTATION. No comments received ... attractive, at the very least apparently, historic-looking building.

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan Area Publication - Consultation ...

Dec 24, 2018 ... the repair of historic buildings in the Chilterns, and new buildings in keeping with the AONB (see AONB Management Plan policy D4). Two of.

5e 24/00318/LBC Removal of tiles from front elevation and ...

appearance and historic significance of the Listed Building. The proposals result in less than substantial harm to a heritage asset and therefore fail to meet ...

Topic Paper - Climate Change and Sustainability - November 2020

conservation areas, historic buildings and historic landscapes (Historic. England);. • concern at the availability of water resources to serve new ...

4/02911/16/ful - proposed oak-framed barn to replace existing ...

This is due to its location within the historic group of farmyard buildings, consolidating/ reinforcing the long established farmyard layout. • It supports ...

Dacorum Borough Council

• Scheduled ancient monuments (SAMs);. • Conservation Areas;. • Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest;. • Areas of Archaeological Significance ...