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Page 10 of results for query 'Planning and development'

LA5 West Tring

Sep 26, 2017 ... Planning and development · Planning policies · Site Allocations · Local Allocations; LA5 West Tring. LA5 West Tring. The LA5 Master Plan ...

Local Allocations Master Plans

Mar 9, 2023 ... Six 'Local Allocations' (Green Belt sites identified for housing development and other associated uses) were identified in our strategic ...

(Public Pack)Planning, Development and Regeneration Q4/Q1 ...

Sep 19, 2018 ... Planning, Development and Regeneration Performance. End of Year Report 2017-18. Contact: Cllr Graham Sutton, Portfolio Holder for Planning and.

Local Development Scheme

Jan 20, 2016 ... 1.2 The LDS is a project plan which sets out the timetable for preparation of Local. Development Documents (LDDs) that form the Council's ...

Hemel Garden Communities

Enter a search term: Home · Planning and development · Planning policies · New Dacorum Local Plan (to 2040); Hemel Garden ...

Core Strategy by chapter

Feb 22, 2017 ... Planning and development · Planning policies · Core Strategy; Core Strategy by chapter. Adopted Core Strategy 2013. Contents (PDF 729KB)


However, as the Waste Local Plan forms part of the Development Plan it is covered by section 54A of the Town and Country Planning. Act 1990. Consequently ...

Agenda for Development Management on Thursday, 19th October ...

Oct 19, 2023 ... Where more than 1 person wishes to speak on a planning application, the shared time is increased from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. In writing or by ...

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development ...

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development. Procedure) Order 1995. NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 6. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION. (Notice1:This ...

Self-build and custom housebuilding

Jul 25, 2023 ... encourage developers to provide serviced land on residential development sites of more 10 homes. We will be updating the Local Plan and we will ...