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Page 10 of results for query 'Pollution'

Appendix 1: Plans, Programmes and Policies examined

• Avoid pollution in all its forms, in particular pollution of ground and surface water resources. • Contain road traffic growth and encourage walking ...

Geo-Environmental Desk Top Study Report

pollution incidents to Controlled Waters within 1km of the site. Details of these incidents can be found below. Table 4.4: Pollution Incidents to Controlled ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy ...

Every four years Member States shall report on polluted or likely to be polluted ... Avoid pollution in all its forms, in particular pollution of ground and ...

Application for a Dry Cleaning Permit

Pollution Prevention and Control Act, 1999. Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. Introduction. When to use this form. Use this form if ...

Calling all litter pickers! Volunteers urged to back Great British ...

Mar 6, 2024 ... As well as polluting our streets and parks, litter harms wildlife, domestic pets and farm animals and costs UK tax payers over £1 billion a ...!-volunteers-urged-...

Agenda item - 4/01821/18/FUL - TEMPORARY CHANGE OF USE ...

... pollution in relation to the control criteria specified by the Institution of Lighting Engineers' 'Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution';. · ...

Contaminated Land Strategy - 2024

such pollution being caused.” What may or may not ... (d) Significant pollution of controlled waters or significant possibility of such pollution.

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

To protect „dark skies‟ from light pollution, and promote low energy and less invasive lighting sources while considering the balance between safety and ...

(Public Pack)Relocation of the athletics track - revised consultation ...

Oct 10, 2018 ... High powerful floodlights and Tannoy speakers in use will be seen and noise pollution will be increased. I think the site looks too small ...

Agenda item - 4/01586/17/MFA - SEXTONS HUT; NEW RIDGE ...

Sep 14, 2017 ... Reason: To ensure minimal impact of any potential light pollution in the interests of the residential and ecological amenity and highway safety ...