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Page 10 of results for query 'Rough sleepers'

Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 16th March 2021 Part: 1 If Part II ...

Mar 16, 2021 ... currently finalising its year 4 bid for Rough Sleeper Initiative funding (RSI), with ... 4 known rough sleepers within the Dacorum area. Thishas ...

Minutes Template

Feb 26, 2020 ... Sleeper, data shows there are currently 6 rough sleepers in Dacorum, a reduction of 19 since the summer of 2019, which is really positive ...

(Public Pack)Finance and Resources OSC Annual Report 20-21 ...

Apr 14, 2021 ... board to help rough sleepers, delivering food parcels, and ensuring safety of the local public. The. Chief Executive reiterated that the ...

, 22 January 2022 - 5 February 2022

o £0.9m for Aragon Close Move-On Accommodation, 50% funded from the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUHC) Rough Sleepers Accommodation ...

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Feb 26, 2020 ... • At a rough sleeper count on 14 January Dacorum counted and verified 1 Rough Sleeper, ... data shows there are currently 6 rough sleepers in ...

Public Spaces Protection Order – Hemel Hempstead Town Centre

Jun 20, 2017 ... to rough sleepers. The offence of begging is provided for by way of section 3 or 4 of the Vagrancy Act 1824, and pursuant to section 70 (1) ...


Apr 17, 2019 ... • Successful bid to central government for RSI (Rough Sleeper Initiative Funding) of ... rough sleepers funding. She said until an investigation ...

Minutes Template

Jan 13, 2021 ... Response: I am aware of an increase of rough sleepers in the town centre as are officers and it is important to acknowledge that despite the ...

Agenda item - Announcements

Nov 18, 2020 ... · October Rough Sleeper Court validated by Homeless Link and ... rough sleepers reported in Dacorum, interventions with Outreach ongoing;. · ...

OSC Report - Housing & Community Department - Housing ...

SH37 - Number of rough sleepers approaching. 6 People. Info Only. 4 People. Info Only. No Data. Info Only. Updater Comments: Number of rough sleeper approaches ...