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Page 10 of results for query 'Smoking'

Tenant service charges

Apr 3, 2023 ... This includes things such as the sprinkler system, smoke detectors and smoke curtains in the block. The charge covers the cost of the annual ...

Pavement licences

May 24, 2024 ... ... smoking is not permitted. Standard local conditions. Only objects listed in the licence are permitted to be placed on the highway. The ...

Vehicle seizure notices

Feb 2, 2021 ... Smoke free Dacorum · Dacorum Environmental Forum · High hedges · Environmental permits · Vehicle seizure notices. Thanks for your feedback.

(Public Pack)Minutes Document for Health in Dacorum, 13/12/2017 ...

Dec 13, 2017 ... cannabis smoking being as harmful as cigarettes. Our stats have Herts better than the EoE (East of England) on 28 day quits, and quit ratios ...

Improving health and social care in West Hertfordshire

example not smoking, eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise, we can make a big impact in terms of preventing many illnesses in the first place ...

ITEM NUMBER: 5f 21/03743/FUL Energy Conservation ...

Smoke Control Order. Parking Standards: New Zone 3. Town: Hemel Hempstead. 7. REPRESENTATIONS. Consultation responses. 7.1 These are reproduced in full at ...

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Jul 11, 2023 ... month ago due to people outside smoking cannabis. Cllr Elliot advised there is also a community centre used by elderly residents and John F ...

Appendices for Volunteer Management Policy Contents Page No ...

• Housekeeping arrangements, smoking policies. If they will be based in a building, show them around the building. If they will be using any ICT equipment ...

Bonfires*/Burning of Commercial Waste Policy

Burning waste produces smoke that contains a range of pollutants which can pollute the environment, cause local nuisance and have damaging health effects ...

Licensing AG Sub-Committee –02/06/2014 Decision recording ...

... smoking, etc, could not be prevented, but that the time such areas were in use, and as such the potential for nuisance to be caused, could be reduced by ...