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Page 10 of results for query 'Woodlands'

Issue details - PH-014-24 - To award 4 x contract Lots for Tree ...

Apr 4, 2024 ... Contact: Luke Johnson, Trees & Woodlands Team Leader Email: Decisions. 02/05/2024 - PH-014-24 - To award 4 x ...

Report for: SPAE Overview & Scrutiny Committee Date of meeting ...

Jun 16, 2020 ... Trees and Woodlands and Parks and Open Spaces. The Trees and Woodlands Team have remained unaffected from a well-being point of view but have ...

Area 107.qxd

Semi-natural woodlands are very limited except for. Great/Phasels Woods, and ... woodland in order to conserve and where absent to re- establish a rich ...

Feeding ducks

Jan 24, 2024 ... Trees and woodlands · Parks and open spaces · Graffiti · Grass, hedge and shrub cutting · Public toilets · Street furniture · Feeding ducks ...

Notes of Key Decisions/Actions Meeting: Council Date: Wednesday ...

Apr 17, 2019 ... This Oak was re-categorised as a U (cannot be retained) with removal the only option recommended by the Trees and. Woodlands Officer. The ...

Notes of Key Decisions/Action Points

Mar 24, 2015 ... Woodlands Policy. That the Trees and Woodlands Policy be approved. Cllr Julie Laws,. Portfolio Holder for. Environmental. Services and.

Chilterns Beechwoods Letter - Natural England

Mar 14, 2022 ... The report recognises Ashridge Commons and Woods SSSI as a complex site with a range of mainly woodland habitats which are particularly ...

Dacorum Borough Council Stage 2 Green Belt Review and ...

These clusters are closely related to the prominent scarp topography and are framed by hanging woodlands and chalk downland/grassland/scrub mosaics which partly ...


Jun 23, 2022 ... The Trees and Woodlands Officer has stated “There is a small incursion into the Root. Protection Area associated with the location of the ...

21 Grizzled Skipper species action plan

woodlands. In addition, modern intensive high forest systems, which reduce both the area and frequency of creation of open space within the woodland, result in.