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Page 2 of results for query 'Council policies and plans'

Adopted Core Strategy 25 September 2013

Sep 25, 2013 ... using the Council's resources in co-ordination with investment plans ... policy development through DPDs and other, non-planning, Council policies ...

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan

Planning policies · Neighbourhood planning ... Bovingdon Neighbourhood Development Plan - Clarification Bovingdon Parish Council comments (PDF 163KB) ...

Affordable Housing SPD 2013 Planning, Development ...

By working with the private sector and registered providers, the Council aims to ensure that this policy helps the delivery of both market and affordable homes ...

Strategies and policies

Jun 14, 2024 ... This policy sets out our approach to helping tenants who wish to move from their current Dacorum Borough Council home into more suitably sized ...

Local Development Scheme

Jan 20, 2016 ... which current development plans and policies are “saved”; and ... out additional, more detailed planning policies that the Council will use when.

Kings Langley Neighbourhood Plan

Jul 25, 2023 ... This makes the Neighbourhood Plan an official planning policy document within the Kings Langley parish area. The adopted version of the plan and ...

Dacorum Borough Council Neighbourhood Management Trees and ...

This full policy document contains detailed information about the Council's policies, procedures and ... Tree planting projects will also be progressed in ...


Sep 25, 2013 ... a) policy development through DPDs and other, non-planning, Council policies; ... Core Strategy are Local Investment Plans (LIPs) and Local ...

Proposals Map - Planning policies

Jul 28, 2020 ... Dacorum Borough Council logo linking to our homepage. Menu. Resident ... Planning policies; Proposals Map. Proposals map. The proposals map ...

Policy Advice Note Version 1: May 2017 Purpose of this assessment ...

May 1, 2017 ... A) SPD, SPG, Master Plans or advice notes on the Council's website ... Council has identified below its Local Plan policies which Neighbourhood ...