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Page 2 of results for query 'Disabled parking'

Appeal against a parking ticket (PCN)

Oct 2, 2020 ... to Parking Services, PO Box 921, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP1 1ZP ... disabled badge), permit or voucher, or a work order (as proof of ...

Statement of Reasons - Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead

Mar 23, 2022 ... Provision of Disabled Parking Bays 'Mon-Sun 8am-8pm 3 hours no return within 2 hours'. • Removal of small sections of existing waiting ...

TRO Waterhouse Street, Hemel Hempstead - Appendix C

Mar 23, 2022 ... • To increase the towns provision of disabled parking. The proposal comprises the provision of the following: • Proposed Disabled Parking Bay ...

P:\Cambridge\Murdoch\EST\PROJECTS\324961 HCA Hemel Bus ...

disabled parking bays from Bank. Court is subject to a separate ... Disabled parking bay (1 no.) Location of proposed disabled bay diagonally ...

Appendix A - Waterhouse Street, Hemel Hempstead

`Existing Disabled. Bays to remain. Existing Taxi Bay to be replaced with. Disabled Bays. Bus Stop. Existing Disabled. Bays to remain. Proposed Disabled Parking ...

Traffic Regulation Order the Borough of DACORUM (VARIOUS ...

Mar 1, 2023 ... 2) Making the existing 2 advisory Disabled Parking Bays in The Denes mandatory at any time. ... disabled person badge and parking disc; and. (b) ...

parking-standards-supplementary-planning-document---november ...

This provision is recommended as the initial standard in this SPD. 8.9. The most recent guidance on provision of disabled parking for non-residential parking is ...

Agenda item - Parking Access and Movement Project

Sep 19, 2018 ... Bridge Street would be improved by narrowing the road and making it one way out of the car park. One issue is that it would remove the disabled ...

Traffic Regulation Order - Consultation Report Waterhouse Street ...

Apr 25, 2022 ... The introduction of new Disabled Parking Bays is proposed to generally increase the towns Disabled Parking capacity. Page 5. 2. 2.0 RESIDENTS ...

1 If Part II, reason: Title of report: Hemel Evolution: Bank Court

Sep 16, 2014 ... removal of disabled parking spaces in Bank Court are outlined below. "as a blue badge holder I would be concerned at the loss of disabled ...