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Page 2 of results for query 'Energy'

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2)

The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2) is a new Government grant scheme. It funds energy-saving upgrades for residents with off-gas heating systems.

Appendix D: Funding Mechanism for Low & Energy Carbon ...

Renewable Energy Certificates (ROCs). The Renewables Obligation requires licensed electricity suppliers to source a specific and annually increasing ...

Chapter 11: Energy

11.2 Energy infrastructure planning is undertaken over a much wider basis than ... 11.4 UK Power Networks (UKPN) manages the operation of the network previously ...

10 Delivering Renewable & Low Carbon Energy in Hertfordshire

energy opportunities identified in the Energy Opportunities Plan. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list, nor does it reach definitive conclusions ...

Appendix C: Renewable & Low Carbon Energy Technology ...

Hertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technical Study. 111. This section introduces a range of decentralised, renewable and low carbon energy ...

Cost of living support

Oct 4, 2023 ... With the increased cost of living, find information on where to get help with food, energy and other costs.

Decision - PH-027-22- Energy Bills Rebate - local scheme for ...

Aug 26, 2022 ... In February 2022 the Government announced a package of support known as the Energy Bills Rebate (EBR) to help households with rising energy ...

Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016 Schedule – Energy Category ...

Schedule – Energy. Category. Source. Infrastructure Project. Indicative. Delivery Date. Estimated Cost Funding. Sources. Funding status. Lead Delivery. Agency.

Appendix B: Energy Modelling

A 25% reduction was applied to account for higher energy efficiency standards in new buildings. Projected figures for location of new development, number of ...

Share of £60m fund to boost efficiency of leisure centre swimming pool

Mar 28, 2024 ... Once installed the solar panels are estimated to generate 360kWh of renewal energy, which will help reduce the carbon footprint of the facility, ...