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Page 2 of results for query 'Finance'

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Nov 7, 2023 ... Report for: Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Title of report: Financial Performance Quarter 2 2023-24.

FINANCE & RESOURCES Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Feb 7, 2024 ... - 4 July 2023 Finance & Resources OSC – Parking Tariff & Business Case ... Present report to Finance & Resources OSC and then to Cabinet to agree ...

Protecting public money

Sep 11, 2023 ... Financial regulations · Fees and charges strategy · Corporate anti-fraud · Procurement standing orders · The Treasury Management Strategy · The ...

Committee attendance - Finance and Resources Overview and ...

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny, Forum Users Group, Health in ... Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny, 3 meetings. Member. Attendances ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

The agenda will be displayed in the week before the meeting. Proposed venue: Council Chamber, The Forum. View directions. Contact: Corporate and Democratic ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Minutes: Apologies for the absences of Councillors Allen, Douris, Adeleke, Sinha and Suqlain Mahmood were made. Councillor Sobaan Mahmood attended the meeting ...

Finance and Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work ...

Jul 4, 2023 ... Finance and Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Work Programme 2023/2024. Meeting. Date. Report. Deadline. Items. Contact Details.

Quarter 4 Performance Report - Finance and Resources

Jun 5, 2020 ... FIN03 General Fund outturn projection – As reported in detail to cabinet in May and in the financial report on the agenda today the.

Download details for Meeting of Finance and Resources Overview ...

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny, 05/02/2025. Click the following link to download an electronic calendar appointment file containing the details ...

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Dec 1, 2023 ... Report for: Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Title of report: Quarter 2 Performance Report – Corporate and Commercial ...