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Page 2 of results for query 'Homelessness'

Prevention of Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. This strategy sets out our approach to how we will effectively support those faced with homelessness. We recognise ...

Homelessness Forum Service Standards

The overarching aim of the Homelessness Forum is to bring together representatives from all statutory and voluntary agencies that are.

Agenda item - Flexible Homelessness Support Grant ...

Jul 25, 2017 ... For Members to consider the proposals in ring fenced funding made available for homeless prevention. Corporate Objectives. Affordable Housing.

Decision - Homeless Strategy

... homelessness and eradicating rough sleeping in the borough. Decision: That the 2020-24 Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Policy be approved. Publication date: 25 ...

Agenda item - Homeless Grant Prevention Fund

Oct 20, 2015 ... The Council's private rented sector deposit guarantee scheme 'Help to Rent' is the main homelessness prevention scheme available to officers ...

'Preventing and Tackling Homelessness' Homelessness Strategy ...

I am pleased to introduce Dacorum Borough Councils Homelessness. Strategy for 2016-2020. Homelessness has continued to increase in Dacorum and changes in.

Preventing & Tackling homelessness Our 2016-2020 Homelessness ...

Preventing & Tackling homelessness. Our 2016-2020 Homelessness Strategy that was approved by Cabinet in October. 2016 highlights the core themes we are ...

CMT Briefing Paper – Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 ...

Introduction. The Homelessness Reduction Bill received Royal Assent and therefore became an Act of. Parliament on the 27 April 2017.

Decision - Flexible Homelessness Support Grant & Homelessness ...

Jul 27, 2017 ... 1. That Cabinet delegate authority to the Corporate Director (Housing) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Portfolio ...

Decision - Homelessness Strategy Review

Oct 21, 2016 ... The Homelessness Strategy is a statutory requirement that all local authorities have. The document is required to set out our approach to ...