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Page 2 of results for query 'Planning and development'

Planning enforcement

A breach of planning control is defined as: carrying out development without the required planning permission,; failing to comply with any condition or ...

Core Strategy

It forms part of the development plan for the borough and will be used to assess any planning applications that are submitted to us. Core Strategy documents.

Neighbourhood planning

Nov 13, 2023 ... A Neighbourhood Plan, which can become part of the statutory development plan for the designated area, can assist local communities in shaping ...

Application forms

Mar 20, 2024 ... All planning applications, including those for Lawful Development Certificates, must have the CIL additional information form submitted ...

Planning applications

Apr 11, 2024 ... The planning applications service is run by Development Management. It deals with the day-to-day decisions of individual applications for ...

Site Allocations - Planning policies

The Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) was adopted in July 2017 and sets out how the policies and proposals in Dacorum's Core Strategy ...

Pre-application advice

Jun 11, 2024 ... This service is great for potential buyers or anyone preparing development proposals, such as pre-application queries or planning applications.

Solar panel installation

Mar 4, 2024 ... Information on whether planning permission is required to install solar (PV) panels on a property ... Planning and development · Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement

Planning and development · Planning policies; Statement of Community ... The role of the SCI is to outline our standards for community involvement in the planning ...

Urban design advice

Jan 19, 2017 ... Planning and development · Conservation and design; Urban design advice. Urban design advice. Urban design means the design of groups of ...