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Page 2 of results for query 'Premises licences'

Application for a review of a premises licence under the Gambling ...

Operating Licences & Personal Licences. It is worth noting that premises licences issued by the local authority are one of three licences that gambling ...

Premises Licence – Notice of Change of Name/Address | Dacorum ...

Under section 33 of the Licensing Act 2003, holders of Premises Licences are required to notify the relevant licensing authority if there are any changes in ...

Removing the designated premises supervisor requirement at ...

Licensing Act 2003. All Premises Licences authorising the supply of alcohol are automatically subject to a mandatory condition, requiring an individual to be ...

Varying the DPS on a Premises Licence - Licensing Act 2003

Premises Licences which authorise the supply of alcohol must have an individual nominated as the Designated. Premises Supervisor (DPS).

Gaming machine permits

Oct 19, 2022 ... Pubs and bars can make gaming machines available for use if they hold a licensed premises gaming machine permit, or have given a notification ...

Application for the reinstatement of a premises licence under the ...

An annual fee is payable to the licensing authority to maintain all premises licences, upon the anniversary of the date that the licence originally took effect.

Personal licences

Jul 12, 2019 ... A personal licence is a portable licence issued to an individual which allows them to authorise sales of alcohol from premises that hold a ...

Application to transfer a premises licence under the Gambling Act ...

An annual fee is payable to the licensing authority to maintain all premises licences, upon the anniversary of the date that the licence originally took effect.

Advice for residents

Jul 17, 2019 ... We will investigate complaints about licensed premises that are alleged to be operating in breach of the terms and conditions of their licences, ...

Licensable activities

Jan 24, 2019 ... Personal licences · Temporary event notices · Premises licences · Club premises certificates · Licensable activities · Current licensing ...