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Page 3 of results for query 'CCTV'

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Documents available for browsing for meeting on 27/01/2016: Housing-27-01-2016-Agenda pdf icon PDF 6 M · Housing-27-01-2016-Item 6 - CCTV - Appendix A pdf ...

Agenda item - Joint Budget Report 2017/18

Dec 6, 2016 ... Cllr Mahmood said that there had been a reported rise in crime recently, it's worth bearing in mind that the CCTV only operates public ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

Mar 16, 2016 ... CCTv system has seen an increase of the requests for CCTV footage. CCTV02 - Number of Incidents Recorded. Jim Guiton. Dave Wilson. 799 Reports.

Agenda item - Joint Budget Prep

Feb 2, 2021 ... It looks like we are spending thirty three thousand pound less on CCTV next year, which is a large percentage drop. He asked how are we ...

Tenant service charges

Apr 3, 2023 ... CCTV. If CCTV has been installed in your block of flats, there will be a service charge to cover the annual maintenance of the system. For ...

(Public Pack)Resident Services Q3 Appendices Agenda ...

Mar 16, 2016 ... CCTv system has seen an increase of the requests for CCTV footage. CCTV02 - Number of Incidents Recorded. Jim Guiton. Dave Wilson. 799 Reports.


May 9, 2012 ... between DBC CCTV &. Herts Police. Herts Police/DBC CCTV. To improve working arrangements. Ongoing. Direct tasking of CCTV now available to ...

APPENDIX Fi Scheme 24/25 £'000 25/26 £'000 26/27 £'000 27/28 ...

28/29. £'000. HOUSING & COMMUNITY. Head of Safe Communities. 31 Rolling Programme - CCTV Cameras. 61. 25. 25. 25. 25. 32 Alarm Receiving Centre.

Portfolio Holder Decision Notice

Feb 27, 2020 ... for the provision of 'CCTV Upgrade/Refresh. Programme and Maintenance Service' for an initial period of 5 years. To delegate authority to the ...

Study – Environment Survey Date: Time: Centre: Street: Condition of ...

Personal security and police presence [CCTV coverage, 'ambience', unlit spaces, surveillance]. 1. Very Poor. 2. Poor. 3. Fair. 4. Good. 5. Excellent. Not ...