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Page 3 of results for query 'Conservation areas'

Solar panel installation

Mar 4, 2024 ... ... conservation area or otherwise. This means that in general ... conservation areas. We would always encourage people to site panels ...

Trees and hedgerows

Feb 16, 2024 ... Information on tree preservation orders, trees in conservation areas, removing trees and hedgerows, landscaping, dangerous trees, ...

Annex 2: Analysis of On-Line Survey for Berkhamsted Conservation ...

these areas are designated as part of the Conservation area already." "I think Castle Street should be part of Area Two as those are the aesthetic and emotional.

Issue - items at meetings - Little Gaddesden Conservation area ...

3. To delegate the approval of the Little Gaddesden Conservation Area: Character Appraisal final document to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and ...

Urban design advice

Jan 19, 2017 ... In this section. Conservation areas · Listed buildings · Urban design advice · Conservation strategies. Thanks for your feedback. Provide ...

Markyate Conservation Area Draft Character Appraisal

Markyate. Conservation Area is unusual in that it has no village green, church, or other focal point. ©Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Dacorum Borough ...

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Oct 15, 2019 ... Conservation Area Character Assessments for all 25 Conservation Areas. 1.3The Conservation Area Appraisal (see Annex 1) highlights the special.

10. Securing Quality Design

Sep 25, 2013 ... neighbourhoods in the Residential Character Area Appraisals, conservation areas in the Conservation Area Appraisals and urban design zones ...

Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC ...

Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) - Background information. The Chilterns Beechwoods SAC is the only SAC in Dacorum. This large site is ...

Summary The proposal comprises a loft conversion that is of an ...

Jun 10, 2015 ... Policy 10 - Optimising the Use of Urban Land. Policy 120 - Development in Conservation Areas. Appendix 5 - Parking. Appendix 7 - Small Scale ...