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Page 3 of results for query 'Energy conservation'

The SEA/SA Appraisal Framework

conservation by for instance promoting water reuse in new and existing ... climate change, such as promoting water and energy efficiency. (through for ...

Urban design advice

Jan 19, 2017 ... As well as appearance, the practical aspects of building design are also key; soundness of construction, energy ... In this section. Conservation ...

MINUTES CABINET 23 OCTOBER 2012 Present: Members ...

Oct 23, 2012 ... To support the local economy through providing employment opportunities for installing energy conservation measures in the Borough. Advice.


Sep 12, 2012 ... energy conservation measures within private sector dwellings. The Herts Essex. Energy Partnership (HEEP) scheme is coming to an end and will ...

Supporting Information Cover ...

Jan 1, 2008 ... Water conservation will be particularly important at Gorhambury ... energy consumption, 2) improving energy efficiency to reduce energy ...

Manor Farm, Markyate - Development Brief

Documents on Water Conservation and Energy Efficiency and Conservation, dated July 2005. Details of these documents are set out in Appendix 1. General ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Pre ...

standards of resource and energy efficiency and reduction in carbon emissions; ... Developments seeking to conserve or enhance the biodiversity and geological ...

Topic Paper - Climate Change and Sustainability - November 2020

Energy Efficiency and Conservation SPG July 2005. • Water Conservation SPG July 2005. • Towards 2021 The Dacorum Sustainable Community Strategy 2008.

Sustainable Development Advice Note

and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) Energy Efficiency and. Conservation, Water Conservation. 4.2 Estimates of the costs and benefits of micro ...

Private Sector Housing Team - Who we are

• Home Energy Conservation Officer. • Insight & Improvement Officer. • Private ... change and other areas affecting home energy efficiency. Empty Homes.