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Page 3 of results for query 'Farming'

[Grid Ref - TL 02048 01061] Summary The application is ...

The applicants, Felden Park Farms Limited, operate two farms within the area, ... farming area into two spate units, albeit they are still farmed by one ...

Area 125.qxd

The character area is located to the south west of Markyate village, incorporating Beechwood Park school and estate and the outlying/associated farms. LANDSCAPE ...

Area 95.qxd

Arable farmland and isolated patches of • Great and Little Revel End Farms pasture linked to the farmsteads are the predominant land uses. A nursery,, ...

Spatial Strategy for the Countryside

Tring Farmers Market takes place fortnightly. 1.31 Bovingdon Brickworks is Hertfordshire's last remaining brickworks. Part of Clarks Chalk Pit near Pitstone ...

2 Geology

These, together with the climate, determine the natural vegetation and habitats which support the range of species and influence farming practices. The ...

Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan ...

farming but livestock and dairy farming, which are crucial to the management of special habitats like chalk grassland, have been in decline for some time. 5 ...

Area 112.qxd

Many of the older, larger properties and farms are moated. Land cover and ... livestock/ arable farming where arable farming is dominant. • promote the ...

Area 9.qxd

A visually contained and coherent landscape with a mature settled appearance arising from a number of traditional farms. ... livestock/arable farming where ...


1.1 Site and location. The site covered by this development brief comprises a number of fields, cut off from the main farming land by the A 41 bypass, ...

Area 107.qxd

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER. The area comprises a large, gently undulating plateau which supports a mixed farming pattern. There are fragmented.