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Page 3 of results for query 'Graffiti'

Spatial Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Jun 2, 2023 ... For the fourth quarter 95.38 % of fly tips were cleared within the 7 days target, which is above the 95% target. CSG05 Graffiti Removal – ...

OSC Strategic Planning and Environment Quarterly Performance

CSG05 - Graffiti Removal - Percentage removed from Dacorum Structures within 7 days. Craig Thorpe. Shirley. Hermitage. 86.05%. (37/43). Target: 90.00. 97.14%. ( ...

Public toilets

Jan 23, 2024 ... In this section. Community litter picks · Trees and woodlands · Parks and open spaces · Graffiti · Grass, hedge and shrub cutting · Public ...

Agenda Item 7

... graffiti removal operation. In Q4, 35 reports of graffiti were received and 33 (94%) were cleared within the 7-day target, which is the same as in Q3 where ...

Agenda item - Q4 Environmental Services Quarterly Reports

95.38% of fly-tips were collected with the set timescale of 7 days, above the target of 95%, and 92.6% of graffiti was removed within 7 days, just under the ...

Abandoned vehicles

Feb 1, 2024 ... In this section. Community litter picks · Trees and woodlands · Parks and open spaces · Graffiti · Grass, hedge and shrub cutting · Public ...

Retail Study

Cleanliness; amount of graffiti, litter,. 1. Very Poor. 2. Poor. 3. Fair. 4. Good. 5. Excellent. Not Applicable. 1. Very Poor. 2. Poor. 3. Fair. 4. Good. 5.

SPAE Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Jun 14, 2022 ... • Removal of graffiti ... Working alongside B.I.D on joint projects Marlowes CSG undertook a spring deep clean in March, targeting graffiti on all ...

Centre: Car park name: 1. Private / local authority 2

Cleanliness; amount of graffiti, litter,. 1. Very Poor. 2. Poor. 3. Fair. 4. Good. 5. Excellent. Not Applicable. 1. Very Poor. 2. Poor. 3. Fair. 4. Good. 5.

Agenda item - Presentations by Cllr Graham Sutton and Cllr Alan ...

Cllr Anderson went on to speak about protocol for dealing with graffiti and wanting to increase bio-diversity, seeing what can be done with introducing wild ...