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Page 3 of results for query 'Grants'


Jul 8, 2008 ... Not to award the grants as detailed:- This has been rejected because those grants meet the. Council's criteria. Portfolio Holders Signature ...

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2)

The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2) is a new Government grant scheme. It funds energy-saving upgrades for residents with off-gas heating systems.

PH Decision - PH-09-030 - CAB Supplementary Grant

In addition, alongside the Annual Grants there is a small discretionary grants programme for any voluntary and community organisation to apply. There is ...

Decision - Community Grant Summer Round 2016

Dec 19, 2016 ... Community Grant Summer Round 2016 ; Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Performance, People and Innovation ; Decision status: Recommendations ...

Step by step guide to online grant application

How will a grant help your project? Have you received funding in the last 5 years? How much money are you applying for?

Decision - PH-007-22-To award a grant of £10,000 to Potten End ...

Apr 12, 2022 ... They are contributing funds from their own resources as well as fundraising activities, and they have applied for grants from other funders, ...

Green Community Grants: Guidance 2022-23

Projects must relate to Dacorum Borough Council's environmental priorities. In order to apply for funding, proposed Green Community Grant projects must ...

Decision - COVID-19 support for businesses

Mar 31, 2020 ... - £10k Grants for small businesses which receive small business rate relief or rural rate relief,. - £10k or £25k Grants for business ...

Agenda item - Homeless Grant Prevention Fund

Oct 20, 2015 ... The Council's private rented sector deposit guarantee scheme 'Help to Rent' is the main homelessness prevention scheme available to officers ...

Decision - PH-001-22 Additional Resilience Grant (ARG) Policy ...

Jan 18, 2022 ... This seeks approval for the award of unspent Additional Recovery Grant funds to support businesses in the wake of the introduction of Plan B ...