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Page 3 of results for query 'Minerals'

Bovingdon Airfield Site Map Page No. 3 3 6

Appropriate restoration of the clay extraction areas will be pursued in association with Hertfordshire County Council as. Mineral Planning Authority.

Hertfordshire Structure Plan Review 1991 - 2011, adopted April 1998

Apr 30, 1998 ... However, county-wide local plans on minerals and waste matters are prepared by county councils. ... Protection of mineral deposits, rail heads and ...

5 Wetlands habitat action plan

water through mineral restoration works. 2006. Annual report on progress. Lafarge,. Cemex. HCC minerals. WE/A/3.9. Establish a Wetlands Project Officer post to ...

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan Statement of General Information

the Core Strategy 2011;. • the Site Allocations DPD 2017;. • the 'saved' policies in the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011;. • waste and minerals plans ...

Local Development Scheme

Hertfordshire Minerals Local Plan Review 2002-2016 (adopted March. 2007); ... environment/planning-in-hertfordshire/minerals-and-waste-planning/minerals-.

Local Development Scheme

Jan 20, 2016 ... current Hertfordshire Minerals Local Plan (the Minerals Local Plan Review 2015). This review is scheduled for adoption in summer 2018. Four ...

Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Appendix A - Schedule of ...

Aug 6, 2020 ... Council - Minerals and Waste. 09 May 2019. DBC Offices, Hemel ... Consultation on modifications to Bucks CC Waste and Minerals Local Plan.

6 Heathland and acid grassland habitat action plan

Specific sites in strategic locations should be identified at an early stage with the mineral operators and the minerals planning authority. Creation of ...

Appendix 2 Part A: Overview of key issues raised to the draft (Issues ...

Jul 31, 2018 ... non-mineral development in the local plan within HCC's defined Minerals Consultation. Areas (MCAs). Draft MCAs are shown in the Draft Minerals ...

Local Development Scheme 2018-2022

Hertfordshire Minerals Local Plan Review 2002-2016 (adopted March. 2007); ... environment/planning-in-hertfordshire/minerals-and-waste-planning/minerals-.