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Page 3 of results for query 'Nature reserves'

30 Glossary, abbreviations and acronyms

The management of human use of the environment to sustain the diversity of wildlife occurring. Conservation objective. A stated aim for the level of protection ...

Dacorum Development Plan Documents Strategic Environmental ...

Establish nature reserves on wetlands and promote wetland training ... Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (1979).

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

nature reserves). To manage woodlands and other habitats of value for biodiversity in a sustainable manner and protect them against conversion to other uses.

Appendix 4: Glossary

Sep 25, 2013 ... nature conservation sites (also referred to as Natura or ... legally protected land such as Nature Reserves or Sites of. Special ...

Site Allocations

Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Article 4 Directions. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation: Local Nature Reserves (LNRs). Sites of Special ...

Site Allocations Map Book

Jul 12, 2017 ... Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 105. Article 4 Directions. 105. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. 106. Local Nature ...

20 Chalkhill Blue species action plan

Other small colonies are also now known from the. Bedfordshire border at Telegraph Hill and Hexton. Chalk Pit nature reserves. ... nature reserve and the ...

Chilterns Beechwoods Letter - Natural England

Mar 14, 2022 ... Developments to the emerging evidence relating to the recreational impacts upon Chilterns. Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the ...

Looking After the Environment

(b) Biodiversity and Geological Conservation: Local Nature Reserves (LNRs). Existing designations shown on Policies Map to be retained. Sites of Special ...

Tribal's methodolology for Nottinghamshire

May 1, 2009 ... (c) Local Nature Reserves. (LNRs). (d) Chilterns Area of. Outstanding ... adjacent to West Hemel Hempstead is designated as a Local Nature Reserve ...