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Page 3 of results for query 'Nuisance'

Agenda item - 2pm - Premises Licence review application under the ...

Jul 27, 2020 ... Concerns around noise nuisance; Nuisance caused by drunken chanting of customers. He also noted issues that are contained in representations ...

(Public Pack)Mode late submissions Agenda Supplement for ...

May 20, 2019 ... nuisance to neighbours, both residential and business, and to make the minimum impact upon the neighbourhood in relation to potential ...

Agenda item - Premises Licence application under the Licensing Act ...

These were from residents citing concerns about the potential public nuisance created by the proposed later opening hours. Amongst the representations ...

Advice for residents

Jul 17, 2019 ... set out how the application will affect one or more of the licensing objectives (preventing crime and disorder, public safety, public nuisance, ...

Application No 1

Sep 9, 2018 ... nuisance, light pollution, noxious smells and litter. 2.16 Public nuisance is given a statutory meaning in many pieces of legislation. It is.

Application No 1

Mar 1, 2017 ... Based on all of the above reasons, the licensing objective of preventing public nuisance is not met. I do believe that me and my family ...

Application No 1

Jul 27, 2020 ... nuisance. 12.00-22.30, Friday, Saturday and Sunday during summer months is a long period of time for residents to endure additional people ...

(Public Pack)Minutes Document for Licensing of Alcohol and ...

Jun 16, 2020 ... nuisance. I will explain: a) As the Applicant has applied for Regulated Entertainment, the Committee needs to consider it as a licensable ...

Temporary event notices

May 11, 2022 ... ... nuisance, or harm to children, or if there is specific intelligence or concerns about the plans for the current event. To prevent the ...

Application No 1

Apr 16, 2016 ... 3.2. A further representation has been received from Environmental Health, also citing concerns in respect of public nuisance to local residents ...