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Page 3 of results for query 'Public footpaths'

Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy Examination: October ...

the public footpaths to the AONB beyond (see Appendix A photograph 4). ... Photograph 4: See paragraph 15: view from the public footpath at. GR909114 ...


Footpaths consisting of pavements, separated from the carriageway by grassed ... Whilst existing public rights of way. (PRoW), are concentrated to the ...

(Public Pack)Minutes Agenda Supplement for Development ...

Jan 30, 2020 ... Ross Herbert confirmed that they would remain as footpaths and public rights of way and that there would be some cycleways. Councillor ...

Appendix 5 Do you agree or disagree with the continuation of the ...

Shouldn't a dog be on a lead on a public footpath? Too ... their presence and behaviour can cause a nuisance to people lawfully using public footpaths.

Dacorum Local Plan - HRA Desk Study and Site Walkover Survey of ...

used by the public mainly for the purposes for which footpaths and bridleways are used (i.e. ... public footpath to the SAC. This view is located on the ...

DBC Site Assessment Study - Volume 3 - part 2 - pages 81 to 115

Jan 7, 2020 ... public footpaths, however the current SSSI condition assessment for Roughdown Common is ... The site is crossed by several public footpaths. The ...

4/03266/18/MFA Hybrid planning application for mixed use ...

three existing public rights of way. Building frontages will ... significant impacts relating to: users of the public footpaths that cross the site; users.

Agenda item - 23/02646/FUL Residential Development including ...

23/02646/FUL Residential Development including formation of 9 new houses, access, landscaping and all ancillary features. Diversion of public footpath Land To ...

Area 95.qxd

The country lanes are sinuous and the coverage of public footpaths and bridleways over the area is relatively ... Total length of Public Rights of Way - 22,546m.

(Public Pack)Addendum Agenda Supplement for Development ...

Nov 28, 2019 ... other users of the public highway and rights of way, in accordance with Policy CS8 of the Dacorum Borough Core. Strategy (2013), Policies 51 ...