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Page 3 of results for query 'Water pollution'

Development on potentially contaminated land and/or for sensitive ...

... water or noise pollution or land instability. Development should, wherever possible, help to improve local environmental conditions such as air and water ...

Contaminated Land Strategy - 2024

formation (water pollution risk). Where to find the information: • Aerial photographs. Table 5.01 – Accessibility to site surface. Risk score. Concrete ...

Agenda item - 4/03266/16/ROC - VARIATION OF CONDITIONS 5 ...

Surface Water Drainage - With regard to surface water drainage it is the ... water pollution from construction - guidance for consultants and contractors".

14 Otter species action plan

Pollution of water courses, especially by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) ... Insufficient prey (low fish stocks) associated with poor water quality and poor ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Pre ...

The Directive addresses water pollution by nitrates from agriculture. It seeks to reduce or prevent the pollution of water caused by the application and ...

The SEA/SA Appraisal Framework

Number and severity of pollution incidents to surface water and groundwater. To ensure water consumption does not exceed levels which can be supported by ...

Agenda item - 4/00472/18/MOA - RESIDENTIAL (CLASS C3 ...

... water pollution in line with paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies CS31 and CS32 of the Dacorum Core Strategy 2013. 11. The ...

Noise from construction sites

Oct 4, 2021 ... The Control of Pollution Act 1974 and ... Adequate water supply must be provided ensuring all parts of the site are reached accordingly.

Environmental permit public consultation

Jun 29, 2022 ... Industrial processes have the potential to release pollution to air, land and water and cause damage to the environment and human health.

Agenda item - 4/03441/15/MFA - SYMBIO PLACE, WHITELEAF ...

Apr 7, 2016 ... ... water pollution. ... For further information we refer you to CIRIA Publication C532 "Control of water pollution from construction - guidance for ...