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Page 3 of results for query 'Woodlands'

Area 9.qxd

plateau is of discrete blocks comprising beech, sycamore, and oak to the west. The ancient woodlands east of. Bedmond include hornbeam and beech on the woodland.

Agenda item - Environmental Services performance update Q3

The draft Trees and Woodlands Policy which was brought to the last OSC meeting has now been endorsed. Tree planting continued through Q3 and has been ...

Area 121.qxd

area is the variable (interlocking/extensive) acidic woodland cover, the former wood-pasture woodlands of the commons of Aldbury, Northchurch and Berkhamsted.

4/01534/19/ful demolition of existing commercial/ancillary residential ...

Aug 13, 2019 ... Woodlands, where the adopted public highway ends (Picture 4). Although there is a wide-angle safety mirror at the corner, the number of near ...

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)

Dec 19, 2023 ... We have the power to make an order to preserve trees or woodlands in the borough in the interests of amenity. These orders are known as Tree ...

Area 10.qxd

A working farmed landscape of predominantly open arable fields which slopes from north-west to south-east. To the north several large mixed woodlands create a ...

3 Habitat and species review and evaluation

Broadleaved and Yew woodland. Planted coniferous woodland. Lowland wood pasture/parkland. Boundary features. Arable. Improved grassland. Unimproved neutral ...

Topic Paper for the Chilterns Beechwoods SAC - Main Report

Tring Woodlands SSSI ... • Beech woodland (Asperulo-Fagetum): The woodland is a primary reason for the designation of this site as an SAC. The ...

Decision - PH-014-24 - To award 4 x contract Lots for Tree ...

May 2, 2024 ... To award contract Lots B (urban tree works) and C (woodlands) to John O'Connor Ltd. Reason: To enable the Council to carry out tree ...

Area 109.qxd

Woodland cover is relatively higher within the. Buckinghamshire section of the area, particularly to the steeper valley slopes with hanging woodlands. Hedges ...