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Page 4 of results for query 'Allotments'

How to become a councillor

Apr 23, 2024 ... They are made up of elected or co-opted councillors and may run some local amenities such as allotments, playing fields and village halls.

Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Appendix B - Tring Schedule

Green infrastructure- Allotments. 225,000. Hectares of allotments required. £0. £0. £0.00 s106/CIL. Developer/DBC. Natural Grass Pitches (NGP). 0.46. Sports ...

Bennetts End

allotments? unofficial allotment area? R used as allotments. BEN13. BEN14. Great Elms Road green space quality green space surrounded by residential. R.

Brownfield Land Register

... allotments; and land that was previously developed, but where the remains of the permanent structure have blended into the landscape in the process of time.

Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Appendix B - Berkhamsted ...

Green infrastructure- Allotments. 225,000. Hectares of allotments required. £0.00. £0.00. £0.00 s106/CIL. Developer/DBC. Natural Grass Pitches (NGP). 0.56.

What your Council Tax pays for

Mar 27, 2024 ... Parish and town councils. Allotments; Village halls; Cemeteries and closed churchyards. More information. For further details, please contact ...

Nickey Line

Allotments · Trees and woodlands · Biodiversity and conservation. Thanks for your feedback. Provide feedback on this page. Use the fields in this section to ...

Abbots Langley Ward

Allotment Gardens. Allotments to rear of residence - no access. R. Land locked - powerlines oversite. AS32. AS33. Woodhall Lane/Ganton. Walk. Green space and.

Tudor Ward Policy constraints Physical constraints G / U >5ha? TUD ...

Allotments. Gated and well maintained. Surrounded by residential uses. Allotment information provided by. WBC shows that the allotment is fully occupied. R.

WA 3 WA 36 WA 5 WA 6 WA 29 WA 31 WA 30 WA 32 WA 4 WA 33a ...

Allotment Gardens. Markyate. Path(um). AllotmentGardens. 2100. 11. Works. LB TCB. 124.7m. SaddlersMews. 1to4. THERIDINGS. 1. Works. 122.7m. El. HICKSROAD to.