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Page 4 of results for query 'Benefits'

Cost of living support

Oct 4, 2023 ... There are more than 40 different schemes available. This includes new one-off payments as well as existing benefits and schemes. Find out more ...

Dacorum Borough Council

Jan 1, 2022 ... The Benefits & Revenues Support Team are responsible for updating the annual Housing Benefit (HB) rates on Northgate. The Support Team ...

Final Internal Audit Report - Benefits and Savings Realisation

Within these targets the risks and benefits of the projects are included and the benefits and savings are reviewed as part of monthly budget monitoring ...

Revenue, Benefits & Fraud Measure Code Measure Name This ...

Mar 31, 2022 ... RBF01 (D). Number of new Housing. Benefit claims in period. RBF01 (N). Total days taken to decide new Housing Benefit claims in period.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support dispute process

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support dispute process. Decision is made on your claim. You disagree with our decision in writing, telling us why you think ...

Final Internal Audit Report Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support

Status of our reports. This report (“Report”) was prepared by Mazars LLP at the request of Dacorum Borough Council and terms for the preparation and.

Direct Earnings Attachments for the collection of Housing Benefit ...

1.1. Why is the Council using DEA? Not everyone enters into a voluntary repayment agreement. DEAs give us the opportunity to recover overpaid benefits from ...

APPENDIX A Insurance Virement Benefits Subsidy £000 £000 £000 ...

Feb 7, 2017 ... Benefits. Subsidy. £000. £000. £000. £000. £000. £000. £000. Service Expenditure & Income. Employees. 22,508. (967). 21,541. (70). 340. 21,811.

Request for sa fe g uard pay ment to landlord

Dacorum Borough Council makes payments of Housing Benefit to landlords by direct credit into a bank or building society account.

Agenda item - Motion

Jan 22, 2020 ... Motion · 1. This Council notes that Universal Credit, the single monthly benefit payment which replaces the six current working age benefits, has ...