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Page 4 of results for query 'Community grants'

Name of decision maker:

Jan 18, 2018 ... Value for Money: the community grants criteria looks to gain additional value from ... Council's scoring criteria within the community grant ...

Housing and Community OSC Actions arising Date of meeting ...

Jun 16, 2021 ... There is one outstanding with the. Chair which she is having ongoing discussions with M. Gaynor's team with regard to funds for low income.

What's newly published

Decision published: Community Grants for the Spring 22-23 round; Assistant Director - Place, Communities and Enterprise; 19/07/2022 - Issue published: OD-012 ...

Name of decision maker:

Aug 18, 2021 ... The Parish Council have applied for a grant from the Community Grants Scheme to match the funding they have allocated from their own ...

PH-007-22-Community Grant Application-Potten End Cricket Club

Apr 12, 2022 ... The club have applied to the community grants scheme for a grant as they do not have the funds to pay for the netting and installation in its ...

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Oct 18, 2020 ...Community Grants 2020 - Community Grant funding have 3 funding rounds a year. Groups putting forward projects / applications which are ...


Value for Money: The community grants helps voluntary and community organisations with projects that benefit the local community. Each application ...

Name of decision maker:

Jan 17, 2019 ... The money will be taken from the community grant budget, which has sufficient funds to ... funds available in the community grants approved budget ...

Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Mar 2, 2022 ... Community Grants. 7. The Community Partnership Team were successful in obtaining funding from the Health Protection Board to run a scheme to ...

Social enterprises

Jan 12, 2024 ... In this section. Voluntary sector support · Volunteering · Social enterprises · Grants · External funding · Mental health · Community advice and ...