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Page 4 of results for query 'Conservation areas'

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Oct 15, 2019 ... Conservation Area Character Assessments for all 25 Conservation Areas. 1.3The Conservation Area Appraisal (see Annex 1) highlights the special.

Markyate Conservation Area Draft Character Appraisal

Markyate. Conservation Area is unusual in that it has no village green, church, or other focal point. ©Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Dacorum Borough ...

Summary The proposal comprises a loft conversion that is of an ...

Jun 10, 2015 ... Policy 10 - Optimising the Use of Urban Land. Policy 120 - Development in Conservation Areas. Appendix 5 - Parking. Appendix 7 - Small Scale ...

Biodiversity and conservation

Wildflower meadows and areas of long grass provide a range of essential benefits: Wildflowers provide essential homes and food sources for pollinators such as ...

Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC ...

The Mitigation Strategy sets out targeted measures to protect Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and accommodate the predicted ...

Application forms

Full planning and demolition in a conservation area; Full planning and ... Tree works: trees in conservation areas/subject to TPOs. Application types ...

Proposals Map

Jul 28, 2020 ... ... conservation areas within the borough that are not shown on these layers. For more details, please refer to our Conservation pages. These ...


Apr 12, 2016 ... ... Conservation Area Character Appraisals the following aspects will be considered: • Any boundary changes to the Conservation Areas.

Annex 1: Qualitative Account of Comments of the Berkhamsted ...

Conservation Areas from all of its. Appraisals. We do not agree that these ... area a conservation area or not? I have tried various web searches and ...

Local information map

Dec 19, 2023 ... Planning constraints - including conservation areas, Article 4 directions and Green Belt land; Find out the Council Tax band for your property ...